Thursday, January 04, 2007

It all Bloggers the Mind

The first post of the new year:

Dad left the hospital a week ago today and has been recovering nicely. It's nice to know he's up on his feet some and able to do much more for himself with good hope for recovery. It has also given him reason to be very thankful for many blessings he has, as well as the rest of us in the family. i was very glad to be in town during that time.

We had a fun shindig for New Years here in the dorm, more than 15 or 16 of us to eat, drink, play pool and make fun of the live music in Time's Square.
January 1, we went out to dinner and celebrated Kara's 23rd birthday and her engagement that afternoon. We went to Pasta Luna (supposedly the premiere Italian eatery in Richmond). Rachel and i ordered the 4 cheese Tortellini which came out very strange. The Alfredo sauce was runny and the pasta was sugary sweet (weird). It made Rachel nauseous and i could only eat half. When we inquired, it turned out they'd run out of regular Tortellini and substituted PUMPKIN Tortellini (WEIRD)!!! and didn't tell us. So they brought us 4 cheese Ravioli to replace it. With my dinner before we went out and half of Tom's while i waited on my food, i had about 4 dinners. Worked out nicely. Gotta not recommends Pasta Luna or Pumpkin Tortellini though.
On the 2nd, Jen and i ventured to the LL Bean store about an hour and a half north of Richmond and did a few exchanges and stuff. Rather than dive into the rush hour traffic to return, we drove further into DC, called my uncle and asked for a restaurant recommendation and directions as we cruised into Georgetown, which was beautifully decorated for Christmas still. We ended up at Uno's and it was great.
Yesterday was not so hot. i finally found out for sure that i didn't get the job at St Andrew's from the minister who didn't know that i hadn't been told i didn't get the job. He assured me i interviewed tremendously well but i wasn't hired because i made the mistake of telling them i applied to YAV and might be gone next school year. Oh well. A few other events made the evening kinda rough and i took a drive and ended up at the Hanover County Airport where i watched the prop planes land and take off for an hour or two in the dark. i miss watching the sunset on the Charlotte Douglas strip and it was relaxing. So that is the year beginning review.
Keeping the resolutions simple this year. Watching the language and gonna go lift a few weights a couple times a week with some guys here. Happy new year, good night, and good luck.

Movie Recommendation: Deja Vu (wow)

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