Saturday, January 13, 2007

Gone Walkabout

One of my favorite Aussie phrases is the term "gone walkabout." It's something i don't make nearly enough time for any more. Even in college, i used to just go wander somewhere i had never been before and spend time talking to whomever i met. After getting up around lunch time today and talking to my mother for awhile, i watched a marathon of a series i've grown fond of lately, Psych. The premise being an incredibly good young and immature detective who has never had a real job, pretending to be psychic, instead of just saying he's basically Sherlock Holmes. It's pretty hysterical. He even calls his fake detective agency: Psych. The double entrende is fun. Besides, Tom Petty does the theme song. Anyways, after this, i wandered down the road to Macarthur Dr (where our favorite pizza place, burger joint, coffee shop, and beer and wine store are located). i got to walk through the adjoining neighborhood and talk to people briefly along the way. i hadn't realized that there was an independent bookstore on the same block, so i stopped in. i perused for a few hours and then bought The Communist Manifesto and had a chat with the old Harley Gang Motorcycle guy who rand the shop. i went across the street to Dott's and grabbed my usual and a Coke. i watched some of the Colts game, read some of Marx, and chatted with Claire, the bartender about her application to VCU grad school. She lost her order pen, so i gave her one i have had since a guy gave it to me on my Thailand trip. i figured it was time for the pen to continue its journey, and she was pretty thrilled. i think i'm gonna start going walkabout more often. If i'm gonna be outta the loop, i might as well be in the world.

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