Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Mac Attack

Went to Mac's again to study and read with Linz. i get so much more read there at the bar than anywhere else. Thought tonight: Who gets to keep the memories you associate with music? We all do it, we associate certain songs or lyrics or tunes with different parts of our life, or with people. i'll always associate "Brick" with riding to basketball practice in high school with Justin and his dad. Problem is, most people don't have just one song with a significant other, they have many, especially if it's long term. When people break up, someone gets the house, someone gets the dog, pictures get split, thrown out, kept in a box under the couch. What do you do with music? It's the picture you wanna take down but is glued to the community fridge or something. Everyone else still enjoys it, you like it too, but some how it's just a pain in the ass to look at. What happens when one of the people in that picture sorta glues a picture of someone else on top of you? Sorta feeling like i'm covered in super glue tonight. It'll pass, always does. As Luke Danes says, "i feel like i'm wearing someone else's socks." Godnight world, i'm not wearing socks these days... (note to self: never blog at 2:30AM)

1 comment:

Let It Be said...

i like this blog.

yes, im looking at your old posts on your old blog. please dont judge.
