They got together and said, "ok, some of these environmentalists (yack) are commies! They don't want to save the planet! They just wanna hurt my bottom line! They want industry to crash and destitution to rise! They want us to be overrun by other super powers!"
Well, at some point, someone pointed out, "hey, saving the environment is often cost effective! When you don't run your water the entire time you brush your teeth, you save money! When you buy local food that isn't shipped as far, you can save money! When you bike to the local CVS instead of drive your SUV when gas is 4 dollars a gallon, you save money! When you use a Compact Fluorescent energy-saving light bulb or appliance that uses 23% as much energy, you save money!"
At this point, these -- we''l call them capitalists instead of pig heads because it's what they prefer to be called -- stuck their collective thumbs in their ears and went "nnnnuh nuuuuh nuhhhhh, we can't hear you!"
This actually caused many rational people in the conservative camps and many moderates to jump into the ultra liberal boat and head for the shores of a land less polluted and more likely to support life forms known as grandchildren.
"Radicalism in your camp destroys moderatism in mine." This applies to politics, religion, and environmental policy. You want to affect change? Do it wisely and rationally and make a real case for it.
The article i read lambasted what my father calls "greenies" for being anti-capitalist. Think about this for a moment. If we pollute our country and the planet long enough and waste our money and energy resources and employ stop-gap measures for oil problems, we have to send more of our troops to places we get oil from, destroy our national parks, and spend more money than we have to. Seems to me that if you want to destroy capitalism and America, the best way to do it is to ignore environmentalists altogether...
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