i finally realized the other day why i'm feeling so old this year. It's not being married or most of my friends getting married or having babies. It's not even that all these kids younger than me are graduating high school and college. Nope.
It's because all these kids are graduating high school and college and i feel like i just graduated. And frankly, college seems like a long time ago. BUT i am still in school and so it doesn't feel like they should all be leaving it. THAT's why i feel so old. Kids far younger than me are getting jobs, goin into the real world. And i, yes, Brian, who hates being in school, has a general disdain for studying, homework, busy work, papers, assigned reading, and authority, is still, mostly voluntarily... in school. JESUS CHRIST! (i can say that, i'm in seminary)
i'm quite ready to be done with school. i'm the boy who was off from school for nearly a month in kindergarten in September because of Hurricane Hugo and when my mother informed me that it was time to go back, i replied, "i went, i'm done, i'm threw."
Will i ever be?
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