Yes, started work for PBB yesterday. Love my new office. i'm diggin' bein' next door to all the big wig intellects and my spacious work place. Joy, my supervisor, has me doing all the leg work for applications and teacher packets and going through applications of the kids who will come in July to write cover letters that summarize what they say about themselves, and what their recommendations had to say about them as well. i love working. Seriously stoked about the summer and about Triennium.
Ashley is continuing to search for places here in Richmond while job hunting. We had a great weekend after her interviews at Carmax. Ashley, Kyle, and i went down to VA Beach Friday night and crashed with their friend Jason who is in the Navy. We spent the next day at the beach and boardwalk, where there was a massively awesome car show on the boardwalk itself. i saw a '56 Chevy and got to talk to the owner who said i "got the prize" for asking and knowing that the gas cap was hidden behind the driver's-side tail light.

Saturday night, Ashley and i made it to Spiderman 3. Gotta say it was good, but too long. More of it should have ended up on the cutting room floor. Some scenes were entirely superfluous and it ran too long. Special effects and story were top notch for a superhero flick.
Oh, best preview by far... The Bourne Ultimatum
Second Best was Harry Potter, looks rockin'
Ashley is continuing to search for places here in Richmond while job hunting. We had a great weekend after her interviews at Carmax. Ashley, Kyle, and i went down to VA Beach Friday night and crashed with their friend Jason who is in the Navy. We spent the next day at the beach and boardwalk, where there was a massively awesome car show on the boardwalk itself. i saw a '56 Chevy and got to talk to the owner who said i "got the prize" for asking and knowing that the gas cap was hidden behind the driver's-side tail light.

Saturday night, Ashley and i made it to Spiderman 3. Gotta say it was good, but too long. More of it should have ended up on the cutting room floor. Some scenes were entirely superfluous and it ran too long. Special effects and story were top notch for a superhero flick.
Oh, best preview by far... The Bourne Ultimatum
Second Best was Harry Potter, looks rockin'
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