It's been awhile, so read the parts that interest you...
Easter Weekend
i got some sleep and we had not only a great worship service at church, but 20 of us still here at school shared a wonderful ham and chicken dinner hosted by my campus mommy, Deb. We all pitched in with sides and dyed eggs.
2 days later
i came down with what i must assume was food poisoning from Wendy's and was ill for a few days and missed some class. i had a fever and all sorts of symptoms i will not share.
YAV Discernment weekend
Without being fully well, Tom took me to the airport Thursday morning for what was supposed to be an 11am flight out of Richmond, bound for a layover in Cincinnati and on to Louisville. Well, with the weather all through the Midwest and NE, all was delayed. i left finally at noon and we didn't make it half way when we had "engine trouble" (nothing to worry about said the captain as our engines sputtered and we dropped a few feet) so we headed back to Richmond to take the next flight. That flight finally left at 2:10pm. i did, however, meet fun people. i met a 1951 UNC alumni who is a published author and Historian, Rodney Taylor, on Jamestown. He had amazing stories to tell. i also met a English Prof from Bill and Mary and a nice woman headed to Maine. The woman headed to Maine was married to a man who usually flies her there himself since they own this tiny prop plane, and she knew a lot about our aircraft and flying. i arrived later than i expected in Louisville, but had a nice welcome from the YAV girls, one of whom i already recognized from her blog pictures of N Ireland, which was fortunate because they had no idea what i looked like.
The retreat was amazing. Everyone was great and i had incredible conversations about mission and family and friends and church and relationships and seminary. i got almost no sleep, but the worship services and small group devotional time was well worth it. i interviewed with Kenya and N Ireland. Both went well and i decided i definitely wasn't interested in Kenya because i wanted to definitely work with youth.
i got to see a few people i didn't expect to, and several i already knew or had spoken to before. Craig Hay, a former PCMer was there, and so was Sam Sale, a current PCMer and good friend from UNC.

Also was a girl who had been to our WTI a few weekends ago who will be going to N Ireland for sure. My roomie was a funky Canadian kid who had grown up in Philly and we had some good convos too.
i was offered a placement for N Ireland and i have a few days to think about it and i'll let you all know when i decide, but school is going well and as is my current relationship. With a great summer job coming up and the possibility to work with Youth Council again and overseas youth work still my strong passion for post graduation... even if i don't go now, i likely will in the near future.
i was delayed getting back from the trip, but not terribly so. i had a 4.5 hour layover in Cincinatti as it turned out from 4pm to 8:30pm. Having apparently overdrafted my account this past week, and only a dollar in the wallet and a quarter in my pocket (i took all my change out to avoid metal detector hassles), i made my way to McDonald's. i saw that a medium fry was 1.80 and inquired about the small fry... $1.22... SUCCESS! So i ate and waited on the plane. Met more cool people there and on the plane, and had a turbulent ride back to Richmond. Tom picked me up and Jen stuck my pizza in the oven before i returned. They both get mad extra credit for that.
Today in Richmond and in life
The wind has been blowing since yesterday at upwards of 40 to 50 mph. It has done it's damage beyond tree limbs. Seminary Ave that is right out my dorm window is lined with 100 foot oak trees. The wind took one down, tearing up the sidewalk with the root ball, and blocking the entire road and into the next yard across the street. Until they clear it, there will be no through traffic.
Also, this is the day of the VA Tech shootings. As of the last time i saw the news, 32 are dead and dozens wounded. They keep playing the tape of the student who videoed it. You can't see much, but you can hear the gunfire. It's surreal. i know i have a few friends in grad school there maybe and at least one former youth kid there. i'm afraid to check on them and deeply saddened for the families and friends.
Easter Weekend
i got some sleep and we had not only a great worship service at church, but 20 of us still here at school shared a wonderful ham and chicken dinner hosted by my campus mommy, Deb. We all pitched in with sides and dyed eggs.
2 days later
i came down with what i must assume was food poisoning from Wendy's and was ill for a few days and missed some class. i had a fever and all sorts of symptoms i will not share.
YAV Discernment weekend
Without being fully well, Tom took me to the airport Thursday morning for what was supposed to be an 11am flight out of Richmond, bound for a layover in Cincinnati and on to Louisville. Well, with the weather all through the Midwest and NE, all was delayed. i left finally at noon and we didn't make it half way when we had "engine trouble" (nothing to worry about said the captain as our engines sputtered and we dropped a few feet) so we headed back to Richmond to take the next flight. That flight finally left at 2:10pm. i did, however, meet fun people. i met a 1951 UNC alumni who is a published author and Historian, Rodney Taylor, on Jamestown. He had amazing stories to tell. i also met a English Prof from Bill and Mary and a nice woman headed to Maine. The woman headed to Maine was married to a man who usually flies her there himself since they own this tiny prop plane, and she knew a lot about our aircraft and flying. i arrived later than i expected in Louisville, but had a nice welcome from the YAV girls, one of whom i already recognized from her blog pictures of N Ireland, which was fortunate because they had no idea what i looked like.
The retreat was amazing. Everyone was great and i had incredible conversations about mission and family and friends and church and relationships and seminary. i got almost no sleep, but the worship services and small group devotional time was well worth it. i interviewed with Kenya and N Ireland. Both went well and i decided i definitely wasn't interested in Kenya because i wanted to definitely work with youth.
i got to see a few people i didn't expect to, and several i already knew or had spoken to before. Craig Hay, a former PCMer was there, and so was Sam Sale, a current PCMer and good friend from UNC.

Also was a girl who had been to our WTI a few weekends ago who will be going to N Ireland for sure. My roomie was a funky Canadian kid who had grown up in Philly and we had some good convos too.
i was offered a placement for N Ireland and i have a few days to think about it and i'll let you all know when i decide, but school is going well and as is my current relationship. With a great summer job coming up and the possibility to work with Youth Council again and overseas youth work still my strong passion for post graduation... even if i don't go now, i likely will in the near future.
i was delayed getting back from the trip, but not terribly so. i had a 4.5 hour layover in Cincinatti as it turned out from 4pm to 8:30pm. Having apparently overdrafted my account this past week, and only a dollar in the wallet and a quarter in my pocket (i took all my change out to avoid metal detector hassles), i made my way to McDonald's. i saw that a medium fry was 1.80 and inquired about the small fry... $1.22... SUCCESS! So i ate and waited on the plane. Met more cool people there and on the plane, and had a turbulent ride back to Richmond. Tom picked me up and Jen stuck my pizza in the oven before i returned. They both get mad extra credit for that.
Today in Richmond and in life
The wind has been blowing since yesterday at upwards of 40 to 50 mph. It has done it's damage beyond tree limbs. Seminary Ave that is right out my dorm window is lined with 100 foot oak trees. The wind took one down, tearing up the sidewalk with the root ball, and blocking the entire road and into the next yard across the street. Until they clear it, there will be no through traffic.

Also, this is the day of the VA Tech shootings. As of the last time i saw the news, 32 are dead and dozens wounded. They keep playing the tape of the student who videoed it. You can't see much, but you can hear the gunfire. It's surreal. i know i have a few friends in grad school there maybe and at least one former youth kid there. i'm afraid to check on them and deeply saddened for the families and friends.
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