Yeah, forgot to mention the DC march protest this weekend. WTF? Ok, i have more and more of a problem with marches in DC. In the 1950's and 60's, as Eisenhower's Interstate system began to be built, it suddenly became possible for thousands of people to travel great distances, namely to DC. This was a fantastic and shocking thing for nearly 15 or 20 years, but it then protest marches lost effectiveness. The population of DC doesn't care, nor do the visitors. There's a protest every weekend. If you go with several thousand others to DC some weekend to protest the war or the president or stem cell research, you'll be squeezed in between the protest against cutting mail worker benefits the weekend before and the alternative fuel rally next weekend. And the politicians don't care any more than the residents. So what does that mean? You wasted all that gas to get DC that the group protesting next weekend will be complaining about, and niether of you will make your voices heard! Wanna affect change? Hold local meetings, coordinate with like-minded folk on the internets invented by Gore and get those people to vote!!! That way you can actually accomplish something, even if it's just fighting nuculear profilteration.
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