So i spent the first 4 or 5 hours at my mothers school today, splicing and cutting and connecting coaxial cable. i also got to discover a new fruit and have a 6 year old throw up all over his tray beside me in the cafeteria. Twice. i then left for the Y to work 3-9pm. Well, as i arrived, i went to the bathroom, because i really really had to go. i'm only there 15 minutes when my boss, Lisa, informs me that she thought i was never coming back and fired me. She really needs me this week though and was delighted i was back and all she needed me to do was fill out those bloody W-2's and to go take a drug test immediately. Yay. So i drive over to the place by NE Medical center to give them a Urine sample. Wohoo. Unfortunately, having JUST gone to the bathroom, i knew it was not gonna be easy, so i'm in the waiting room guzzling water like i'm trying to leave none for Free Willy. They call me back and i go in and no matter how much i think about niagra or sing Row Row Row your boat, i can't pee. That's when the lady tells me, "hey, hurry it up, we close in 5 minutes, it's friday." Grrrrrrrreat. So they had to send me over to Urgent Care by the ER and explain to them why i was there. Even more fun. So i sit in their waiting room for 45 minutes, guzzling more water. When they call me back, i nearly peed the cup right out of the nurses hand. Oh, that felt good. i'm really glad it came out that way because, to be honest, i was gonna throw up if i didn't pee. i get back to the Y and i had had so much water, i immediately had to go again. Ain't life grand? Then i have one of these "man, i'm old moments." A kid i had when he was a Cub Scout in Day camp, and i was his counselor, comes strolling out of the Y. Mind you, i had him when i only had my driver's permit. He hops in his Honda, and drives off. YIKES!!! Life is weird. Well, like Billy says...
The grass is always greener
When you water with your weiner
I totally have a similar story for my first day of CPE...lets just say it involved about 9 cups of water,a Diet Coke,arriving 45 minutes late to the morning session, and having pee like every 15 minutes until lunchtime. And CPE just got worse from that day on, lol.
you're a special kid. i feel like everything in your life is Pee. it's your name, it's penguins, it's pentacostal, er presbyterian. okay, so maybe just the important parts.
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