Thursday, December 18, 2008

Frustration abounds...

There's a video on YouTube that is getting a lot of play. Israel requires its 12th graders to serve their country. Shocking, right? There are many Israeli kids who are conscientious objectors. However, the video doesn't give the full scoop. Do they really put a gun in the hand of every 12th grader? No. In fact, you have the option of serving EITHER for just over 9 months in armed service OR just over 12 in a non-combat job, such as medical or technical jobs, etc.

The video will play to many Americans like the "brave" people who went to jail (or Canada) to avoid the Vietnam draft. i'm not weighing in on that debate. It was a difficult time and a terrible conflict. However, the glaring difference is that in the US you couldn't say, "i won't go fight in this war! Let me be a doctor or nurse or computer tech and serve my country by healing or supporting, rather than killing." These Israelis have that option. Why the video? Why the press frenzy?

They aren't opposed to serving it seems as much as the Israeli "occupation" of... Israel. Now, forget that these kids obviously missed, skipped, or slept their history classes and synagogue time and various lectures by parents and grandparents. If they believe they are occupying Israel/Palestine wrongly, there are two opposites to occupation. One is not being there at all. If this is their solution, going to jail doesn't help. They're still in the land. It would be perfectly legal for them to leave Israel and encourage others to leave as well, right?

The other opposite is to be occupied. i'm sure that if they wanted to go turn themselves over to terrorists or fight to overthrow the Israeli military, they could. Going to jail seems to be the least effective way to accomplish either of the alternatives to occupation. It also seems the easiest.

Which is harder: ending the occupation (by fighting against the Israeli government in word or action or putting your life in the hands of terrorists)... OR going to jail? Is going to jail brave? Sure it is. i don't want to go. But does it take more courage to serve your country in the capacity of a non-combatant and change the system through voting and running for office, social justice movements? (or are we assuming those are not effective any more?)

The truth about cigarettes is that they calm your nerves and help you lose weight. The whole truth is that they can also lead to poor hygiene, cancer and death. The truth about Israel is that they require young men and women to serve their country. The whole truth is that they allow you to do it in ways that serve others without killing anyone, and as a democratic society, allow voice and protest for those who object to an occupation of the Palestinians.

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