Saturday, August 19, 2006

Toolin' Around

Well, i stayed up late watching Stir of Echoes with Tom. The girls were too scared to watch it at 1am. Oh well. We had fun, got up way late today. Took the Old Man's car and got over to Ukrop's for some food and made Chicken Dijon, Different Rice, and vegetables. It went over well. Then took the Old Man's car again to get me and Noell and Jess over to Cary St for ice cream. Then Vocab study and later we'll either watch something or go see Princess Bride at the Byrd on Cary. i rolly have not described it yet on here, so i shall. The Byrd is an old-style movie house from the old days of the first silent movies and has never been anything but a movie house. It's huge and ornate, seating at least twice as many as a typical theatre. It has fake side alcoves like opera house boxes and chandaleres on the ceiling. They play one movie, which changes every week or so. However, on Saturday nights, they play the movie 3 times during the afternoon and evening, and then throw on some throw-back at midnight (it's been Ferris Beuler's day off, and tonight after Davinci Code, will be Princess Bride). When we went to see X-men a few weekends ago, we discovered that on Saturday nights, they also have a man to play the huge organ in front of the screen before the movie. It rises out of the pit in fromt of the screen and the man plays Phantom of the Opera-type tunes for awhile before the show. Wow. The atmosphere is amazing. And what might an impovrished seminarian pay for this incredible evening of enrapturing music, cinema, atmosphere, and nestalgia? Two dollars. Aren't you jealous that you don't live here (excluding those of you in Chapel Hill or Texas)?

Also, came across an old link, if you have a weak stomach or you're a girl, don't click. If you're a guy or you have a sense of humor about how the world turns...

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