We went to the Hill this weekend to take in the Alumni basketball game, the Citadel football game and a wedding. We got lots of quality time with Ashley's mom and brother and their in-laws, etc too. i saw a lot of old friends throughout the weekend, which was a great deal of fun and i like to catch up. (See: quality time person) i saw an old friend of mine who kept me sane whilst i was working for the UNC phonathon and then ran into the Steves! The Steves lived on my hall for 2 or 3 years in college and they spent many an hour in my room eating pizza and watching tv, and perhaps locating items that may have wandered off with me. They referred to me as the "hall father" since our RA's tended to be sorta out there.
While tracking down a UNC baseball jersey, i ran into my friend Corinne. We talked briefly, but both failed to mention we were in town mainly for a wedding. When we saw each other the next day at that wedding, it was pretty funny. i knew almost as many people at Ashley's friend's wedding as she did. We also saw Mr. B, my scout leader and session liaison with his sons, all their for the Citadel game (as he and one son are alum).
We stayed 3 nights with Ashley's mom, in Ashley's old room. Ashley's old room has Ashley's old bed. Ashley's old bed was probably purchased from the Flinstones when they traded in for a much softer granite queen size mattress and pummis pillows. When i say firm, i don't mean like the state troopers in Ohio, i mean like King Henry VIII's divorce attorney.
i'm generally a heavy sleeper with very low standards for comfort. i have compiled a list of places i have slept more soundly than my 3 nights on "The Slab..." (apologies to all of those of you who prefer sleeping on firm mattresses. i am apparently not one of those)
-Every single camping trip i ever went on in over 10 years of scouting (including tree roots, washed out gulleys and sleeping through trains running 50 ft away from my tent).
-In a closet in a house in Montreat
-The kitchen at PCM in college
-Dozens of couches
-Jen Kling's arm chair (sideways, all night, i am still pissed at her and Jon for this, mostly Jon, he took the couch)
-My dorm floor
-My dorm futon
-The concrete floor of the bunkhouse at Grier
-A dozen desks in high school
-The floor of my Hebrew class in seminary
-The desk i took my AP Calculus exam on
-The DC Metro
-Dozens of cars, vans and buses
-A chairlift
-The shower
-The Undergraduate Library at UNC
-Davis Library at UNC
-The Student Union at UNC
-Morton Library at seminary
-The futon in the staff lounge at seminary
-The pool table in the youth room at a church
-The sidewalk outside the Dean Dome (once for UT football tickets, once for good riser seats to the Dook b-ball game)
-A 5-tier chain-link bunk on an aircraft carrier
-Dozens of airports, domestic and foreign
-A set of stairs
-The dock at Camp Grier on Lake Refuse, covered in dew, sharing a sleeping bag with 3 other people
i think that covers it. Where have YOU slept that kept you up all night?
While tracking down a UNC baseball jersey, i ran into my friend Corinne. We talked briefly, but both failed to mention we were in town mainly for a wedding. When we saw each other the next day at that wedding, it was pretty funny. i knew almost as many people at Ashley's friend's wedding as she did. We also saw Mr. B, my scout leader and session liaison with his sons, all their for the Citadel game (as he and one son are alum).
We stayed 3 nights with Ashley's mom, in Ashley's old room. Ashley's old room has Ashley's old bed. Ashley's old bed was probably purchased from the Flinstones when they traded in for a much softer granite queen size mattress and pummis pillows. When i say firm, i don't mean like the state troopers in Ohio, i mean like King Henry VIII's divorce attorney.
i'm generally a heavy sleeper with very low standards for comfort. i have compiled a list of places i have slept more soundly than my 3 nights on "The Slab..." (apologies to all of those of you who prefer sleeping on firm mattresses. i am apparently not one of those)
-Every single camping trip i ever went on in over 10 years of scouting (including tree roots, washed out gulleys and sleeping through trains running 50 ft away from my tent).
-In a closet in a house in Montreat
-The kitchen at PCM in college
-Dozens of couches
-Jen Kling's arm chair (sideways, all night, i am still pissed at her and Jon for this, mostly Jon, he took the couch)
-My dorm floor
-My dorm futon
-The concrete floor of the bunkhouse at Grier
-A dozen desks in high school
-The floor of my Hebrew class in seminary
-The desk i took my AP Calculus exam on
-The DC Metro
-Dozens of cars, vans and buses
-A chairlift
-The shower
-The Undergraduate Library at UNC
-Davis Library at UNC
-The Student Union at UNC
-Morton Library at seminary
-The futon in the staff lounge at seminary
-The pool table in the youth room at a church
-The sidewalk outside the Dean Dome (once for UT football tickets, once for good riser seats to the Dook b-ball game)
-A 5-tier chain-link bunk on an aircraft carrier
-Dozens of airports, domestic and foreign
-A set of stairs
-The dock at Camp Grier on Lake Refuse, covered in dew, sharing a sleeping bag with 3 other people
i think that covers it. Where have YOU slept that kept you up all night?