"The quality medical care Ted Kennedy quickly received after his brain cancer diagnosis would not be available to Americans if the U.S. adopted the healthcare policies advocated by the Massachusetts Senator..." (and Obama and Clinton). This is from a recent article on the treatments Ted Kennedy received and the future of that kind of treatment in the US. i sincerely doubt that it's buyer's remorse.
The article goes on. On universal healthcare in other countries...
"The expert cites the example of a 22-year-old woman in England — which has universal coverage — who complained of headaches for months, but had to wait a year to see a neurologist. She then had to wait more than three months to get what Britain’s National Health Service decided was only a “relatively urgent” MRI scan.
Three days before the MRI appointment, she died."
Well, at least we know what to look forward to.
What will the rich do? Go elsewhere. For healthcare, for jobs, for tax shelters. Then no one will be here to pay for this reduced benefit system. Why can we surmise this?
The YMCA's of the nation and most pools are starved for lifeguards in the US. This is a relatively new problem. They cite a number of reasons, but the leading cause is motivational. A vast majority of lifeguards are teenagers and college kids. Think about the alternatives. For the same $8/hour, they can work at almost any retailer or fast food counter. They can show up half asleep, stoned, or hung over, and barely on time and do the job well enough to not get fired. Their training is paid for. Oh, and they get two free uniforms. Pools and YMCA's just can't compete with that.
The same will be true of America. Doctors who can get more money in other countries will leave. Patients who can afford better care will leave too. The richest one percent all have the means to live overseas and receive better care. Most of the wealthiest 10% could afford to travel overseas for specific appointments, treatments, prescriptions, or surgeries. Who pays for most of the government programs? Yup, that bracket. So, by all means, let's create a system that harms or at the very least benefits less those who pay for it. I'm sure they'll stay.
If you think they will, you credit them with high morals. If they had them, they'd already voluntarily be providing that healthcare.