On friday, i had a meeting with Edna about a directed study this summer and it went quite well. Looks like i will very likely be doing PBB this summer. i went to OT section and then Chuckie took me to the train station.
i was working on a project while i waited on the hour-late train to CH, and using my Bible. When i boarded the train, one guy my age asked me about it and we talked for a minute. Then a professor leaned over the seat and asked to borrow it. Turns out, he is a prof at Greensboro College, on sabbatical, and working as a Fellow at the Holocaust museum in DC. He used my Bible to add a few lines to the book he's working on (so basically i've co-authored published work, so look for our book this fall) on Antisemitism. We had a great talk on religion and theology for a few hours and then a guy, a couple years younger than i, joined us and we talked about mostly music and guitars. The professor jammed on his guitar for a bit, all BB King-style. All of this was much appreciated, as the train left an hour late from the station and got me into CH nearly 3 hours overdue. Ashley picked me up and we had dinner with Kelley and Brice.
Ashley and i went to Greensboro on Saturday to pick up some dogs for animal rescue and delivered them to Durham for the first leg of their very long journey north. Then we had lunch with her mother and brother and his girl friend. Ashley worked on her online finals and i crashed for a few hours. We did mom's amazing chocolate milkshakes and watched some movies.
Today was the last church service for Ashley's church and so we attended. It was a great service, but as to be expected, everyone was quite emotional. They were all incredibly friendly and welcoming and i have a lot of faith that they will all go do amazing things. i drove back here in my car and worked on my project. i've got a good caffeine high going tonight. i'll be exhausted tomorrow, but no regrets. Another GREAT weekend.
Also: Carolina Blue Hair Dye has arrived